I love this bike. It's well built, has an amazing range of programming for varied rides and is incredibly quiet. I've had mine for about three weeks and I've never used an exercise product as willingly as I ride this bike. I might actually get into shape. This is definitely not just another dust-collecting sweater rack for the TV room.
If I have any complaints, they are that the display doesn't have a backlight and the bike needs to be assembled when it arrives which took me about two hours. As a note: assemble the entire display stand (the front "handlebars" part) BEFORE you attach it to the base. The instructions say the other way around and it's a pain fishing the wires up through the tube and out the top.
My complaints are minor, my rating for the bike as a whole is five out of five.
If I have any complaints, they are that the display doesn't have a backlight and the bike needs to be assembled when it arrives which took me about two hours. As a note: assemble the entire display stand (the front "handlebars" part) BEFORE you attach it to the base. The instructions say the other way around and it's a pain fishing the wires up through the tube and out the top.
My complaints are minor, my rating for the bike as a whole is five out of five.